The Impossible Moon from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.
Official page: "The impossible moon":
Film creation process took around two years. Everything started back in 2009, when I was studying my third year at the Academy and taking the directing course. I was discussing possible topics for animation films with my lecturer. Unexpectedly the topic changed to the Moon and the possibility of a fictional landing on it in 1969. This idea struck me and I started researching the topic intensively.
I managed to find tons of information about it on the Internet. NASA was celebrating its 40th Moon landing anniversary that year. I’ve looked through as many movies as possible and understood that the topic is really valuable due to continuing interest in it. All the people I’ve been talking to about the landing on the Moon were excited and highly engaged in the discussion. All this motivated me and I was excited realizing that my movie will raise even more questions than answers and people will be forced to question the reality after seeing my movie’s funny interpretation of the various landing details.The next step was drawing sketches. By 2010, I had gathered loads of information and written around forty versions of the script. I was getting advices from people around me, especially my lecturers. It all led to the start of experiments with the animation itself. I had already had the characters drawn at that time, although they’ve been constantly updated throughout production. Next, I made a storyboard, which was very long. In fact, after creating the animatic I realized that it was even longer than 10 minutes, so I cut some scenes out and changed the script so I could complete the movie by the diploma deadline.
The movie was created using Photoshop, Flash and After Effects. The longest stage was the script, which took over a year to produce. Production (animation, illustration, sound) took an additional 9 months. The sound for the movie was being created at the same time with the help of the sound director Meinardas Brazaitis. I was updating him constantly with the newest animatic version and we were both trying different sounds. Sound effects in the movie were created professionally as well as the main sound track “Selling Dreams,” which was created by the London band called Besureis after I showed them the movie trailer and they became really interested in the idea.
The most exciting production stage for me is the animation itself, especially character animation. If you look closely, you’ll notice that every character has his own unique features—one is calm, another very optimistic and the third one is a little foolish. I also tried to create their visual look according to the real astronauts.
Lastly, I decided to add real documentary fragments, which brought my movie even closer to the reality. The whole movie design is targeted at a wide audience, whether you are young or old, intelligent or just starting to understand the world. Therefore I wanted it to be colorful, with Hollywood-style sound effects and vivacious story.
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I managed to find tons of information about it on the Internet. NASA was celebrating its 40th Moon landing anniversary that year. I’ve looked through as many movies as possible and understood that the topic is really valuable due to continuing interest in it. All the people I’ve been talking to about the landing on the Moon were excited and highly engaged in the discussion. All this motivated me and I was excited realizing that my movie will raise even more questions than answers and people will be forced to question the reality after seeing my movie’s funny interpretation of the various landing details.The next step was drawing sketches. By 2010, I had gathered loads of information and written around forty versions of the script. I was getting advices from people around me, especially my lecturers. It all led to the start of experiments with the animation itself. I had already had the characters drawn at that time, although they’ve been constantly updated throughout production. Next, I made a storyboard, which was very long. In fact, after creating the animatic I realized that it was even longer than 10 minutes, so I cut some scenes out and changed the script so I could complete the movie by the diploma deadline.
The movie was created using Photoshop, Flash and After Effects. The longest stage was the script, which took over a year to produce. Production (animation, illustration, sound) took an additional 9 months. The sound for the movie was being created at the same time with the help of the sound director Meinardas Brazaitis. I was updating him constantly with the newest animatic version and we were both trying different sounds. Sound effects in the movie were created professionally as well as the main sound track “Selling Dreams,” which was created by the London band called Besureis after I showed them the movie trailer and they became really interested in the idea.
The most exciting production stage for me is the animation itself, especially character animation. If you look closely, you’ll notice that every character has his own unique features—one is calm, another very optimistic and the third one is a little foolish. I also tried to create their visual look according to the real astronauts.
Lastly, I decided to add real documentary fragments, which brought my movie even closer to the reality. The whole movie design is targeted at a wide audience, whether you are young or old, intelligent or just starting to understand the world. Therefore I wanted it to be colorful, with Hollywood-style sound effects and vivacious story.
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Pristatau Jums savo didžiausią animacinį filmą "Netikras mėnulis".
Filmo procesas užtruko apie porą metų. Viskas prasidėjo dar 2009 metais, kai studijavau trečiame kurse ir sėdėjau režisūros paskaitoje. Su dėstytoju nagrinėjome galimas animacinio filmo temas. Netikėtai pradėjome šnekėti apie mėnulį ir galbūt tik surežisuotą nusileidimą jame 1969m. Užsidegiau šia idėja, pradėjau labai daug skaityti apie visą tai. Internete radau nerealiai daug medžiagos šia tema. Tuo metu NASA šventė 40-tuosius jubiliejinius išsilaipinimo metus. Buvo daug išleista dokumentinių filmų, peržiūrėjau kiek įmanoma daugiau. Iškart supratau, kad tema – verta dėmesio, žmonės tuo domisi. Su kuo pašnekėdavau apie netikrą nusileidimą mėnulyje, iškart pastebėdavau, jog jie įsitraukia į diskusiją. Tas mane įkvėpė, smagu buvo žinoti, jog savo filmu užduosiu daugiau klausimų nei atsakymų ir panardinsiu žmones į dar didesnes diskusijas, nors ir pateiksiu šmaikštesnes galimo nusileidimo detales. Tad patenkintas sėdau piešti pirmuosius eskizus. Galiausiai atėjo paskutiniai baigiamieji 2010 metai ir turėjau surinkęs nepaprastai daug medžiagos, parašęs begalę scenarijų (jį perrašinėjau gal kokius keturiasdešimt kartų). Daug tariausi su aplinkiniais, ypač su dėstytojais. Galiausiai prisėdau pasiexperimentuoti su pačia animacija. Personažus jau buvau nusipaišęs, nors jų dizainas vis tobulėjo ir tobulėjo iki tos akimirkos kai jau pradėjau animuoti. Galiausiai prisėdau prie kadruotės. Ji buvo labai ilga, pasidaręs animatiką pastebėjau, kad pradinis variantas buvo daugiau nei dešimt minučių, tad teko kai ką išmesti, kai ką pakeisti, nes pats vienas niekaip nebūčiau spėjęs atlikti filmo iki metų pabaigos ir taip pabaigti savo bakalaurą.
Viskas buvo daroma pasitelkus photoshopa, flashą ir after efektus. Ilgiausiai užtruko sukurti pačią istoriją – daugiau nei metus tai dariau. Prie jau gamybinio (animacijos, iliustracijos, garso) proceso prasėdėjau apie devynis mėnesius. Garsas buvo kuriamas paraleliai. Nešdavau savo garsistui Meinardui Brazaičiui naujausią animatiko-filmo variantą ir bandydavom garsinti, dėliotis garsus. Smagiausias man gamybos procesas yra pati animacija. Ypač veikėjų. Mėgstu charakterius. Jei atkreipsite dėmesį, pamatysit, jog kiekvienas iš jų turi atskirą charakterio bruožą – vienas ramus, kitas didelis optimistas, o trečias kiek kvailesnis. Veikėjų išvaizdą bandžiau piešti pagal realius astronautus. Filme ne tik garsas buvo profesionaliai daromas, bet ir pagrindinė filmo daina „Selling Dreams”, atliekama profesionalios grupės iš Londono “Besureis”. Parodžiau jiems filmo treilerį ir jiems labai patiko ta filmo ištrauka ir pati idėja, tad su mielu noru parašė filmui dainą. Į filmą specialiai įtraukiau ir realius (dokumentinius) kadrus, taip priartindamas filmą dar arčiau tikrovės. Pats filmo apipavidalinimas skirtas plačiai auditorijai, norėjosi, jog filmas atrodytu spalvingas, garsas kaip Hollywoodo filmuose, istorija nuotaikinga. Filmas skirtas tiek mažam, tiek dideliam, tiek protingam, tiek ir pradedančiam mąstyti. Tai filmas masėms, su jiems įdomia tema, kuri atrodys dar labiau painesnė pasižiūrėjus filmą.
Lauksiu komentarų:)
Viskas buvo daroma pasitelkus photoshopa, flashą ir after efektus. Ilgiausiai užtruko sukurti pačią istoriją – daugiau nei metus tai dariau. Prie jau gamybinio (animacijos, iliustracijos, garso) proceso prasėdėjau apie devynis mėnesius. Garsas buvo kuriamas paraleliai. Nešdavau savo garsistui Meinardui Brazaičiui naujausią animatiko-filmo variantą ir bandydavom garsinti, dėliotis garsus. Smagiausias man gamybos procesas yra pati animacija. Ypač veikėjų. Mėgstu charakterius. Jei atkreipsite dėmesį, pamatysit, jog kiekvienas iš jų turi atskirą charakterio bruožą – vienas ramus, kitas didelis optimistas, o trečias kiek kvailesnis. Veikėjų išvaizdą bandžiau piešti pagal realius astronautus. Filme ne tik garsas buvo profesionaliai daromas, bet ir pagrindinė filmo daina „Selling Dreams”, atliekama profesionalios grupės iš Londono “Besureis”. Parodžiau jiems filmo treilerį ir jiems labai patiko ta filmo ištrauka ir pati idėja, tad su mielu noru parašė filmui dainą. Į filmą specialiai įtraukiau ir realius (dokumentinius) kadrus, taip priartindamas filmą dar arčiau tikrovės. Pats filmo apipavidalinimas skirtas plačiai auditorijai, norėjosi, jog filmas atrodytu spalvingas, garsas kaip Hollywoodo filmuose, istorija nuotaikinga. Filmas skirtas tiek mažam, tiek dideliam, tiek protingam, tiek ir pradedančiam mąstyti. Tai filmas masėms, su jiems įdomia tema, kuri atrodys dar labiau painesnė pasižiūrėjus filmą.
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